Well, after quite a bit of time, I've finally decided the direction of my blogs. Yes, I said blogS. It took me a while to decide what I want to talk about in my blogs. Honestly, after reading so many of them (thanks to Pinterest), I was beginning to wonder if the wonderful world of the Internet even needed another blog, or heaven forbid, TWO! It takes me a while to ponder things and wrap my brain totally around which way I should go. After thinking about this off and on, I came to a few conclusions: 1) I want to write about the things about which I am passionate. 2)I do not want my blogs to become a chore, one more thing to do! 3) I can not allow my blogging to interfere with my spiritual, parental, or professional goals. 4) My blogging is about me and my thoughts. I see it as an outlet to get out my random thoughts. Maybe those who read my blogs can relate to some of my random musings. Then again, maybe not. Regardless, I like the idea of putting my thoughts about my interests, at least some of them, in print.
So, after all that thinking and pondering, here's what I decided: I will have two blogs, one about Disney and one about teaching. I will write about what strikes me at the time, thereby the word "Ramblings" in the title. So, here goes....my adventures in blogging! Oh, and if you'd like to read my ramblings about teaching, click here for my other blog. (Maybe eventually I'll figure out how to add a button on the side of this blog for my other one!)
And just a small disclaimer to those who are wondering why I am not blogging about motherhood: it's not that I'm not passionate about being a mother or that I wouldn't like to talk about my beautiful, smart, funny, sincere, and kindhearted daughter. I just don't feel that it would be appropriate to share our mother/daughter relationship with anyone and everyone! So, onward and upward!